All ages

11+ • 13+ • GCSE • A-level • Adult numeracy & more

The tutoring process


Get in contact via phone or email


We will discuss your needs and requirements and set up a schedule that works for you


Have a check of the Ts & Cs and privacy policy


Enjoy your personalised tutoring sessions


A debrief and chat is offered to parents at the end of each session

When and where

Monday – Friday • 9am – 9pm

Saturday & Sunday • 9am – 12:30pm

Zoom • Skype 

Location arranged

on contact

Location arranged

on contact

Zoom • Skype 



All others



All others

I have been singing your praises as the only maths tutor we’ve ever found who really works on the fundamentals of mathematics and makes maths dynamic and fun for kids

I used to hate maths and dread it whenever it was maths next at school, when I go back I think it will be my favourite subject! Thank you! And thanks to you I now love maths!

Jackie has been an absolute god-send. Fabulous work ethic, friendly, encouraging and intensely clever yet humble. She has improved our daughter’s confidence no end, and the results, of course, have followed. Jackie also accommodates us in our own house which is an added bonus. I cannot recommend Jackie highly enough. 

Thank you isn’t enough to repay you for everything you’ve done for me. Your time and effort in teaching us is what has got me through the last two years. I couldn’t have done it without you. I don’t know anyone who puts so much commitment into teaching their students so I hope I do you proud.

You are without doubt the best teacher of maths I have ever seen

 You made a difference in my understanding and love for Maths, as well as inspired me to try to teach students of my own.

Professional, reliable and enthusiastic. Basically, a fantastic tutor!

Jackie is an inspirational maths teacher. She makes maths clear, achievable and fun. Her enthusiasm about maths is infectious. My son loves her lessons and his confidence and ability have grown enormously

This lesson is exemplary and, like all the lessons I have seen from Jackie, I wish I had videoed it.  Seldom have I seen such a coherent intelligent approach to teaching. In my extensive experience of observing lessons internationally I have seen few lessons to compare to this.

You helped me beat those odds! Jackie thank you for being a fantastic teacher!

I just wanted to say thank you very much for all your help and support throughout this year, it has helped me so much with staying motivated and getting the grades I want.

I would just like to put into words and thank you for the help and assistance you have given to my son in teaching him maths. He really enjoys the lessons with you as you have given him a lot more confidence with learning and understanding maths.


Jackie Fairchild is a real find, a truly gifted maths teacher who understands how children learn and has worked within the exam and education sectors – Lucky to have her!

Thank you so much for your expert tuition

Thank you for teaching me for the past two years! You made me enjoy maths even more than I had before. You’re truly a great teacher. I will miss your enthusiasm on maths and your determination at making students reach their full potential!

Why us?

Over 20 years teaching experience

Led 2 mathematics departments

Assistant headteacher for nearly 12 years

Written many questions and tasks for national exams and publications